tufoldbird is living la vida loca. He gets to sit back in his recliner and watch CNN all day. When he needs a refill on his icy cold beverage, he snaps his fingers and his trained poodle serves it up on a sterling silver tray. Prior to assuming the mantle as 'king of la vida loca', tufoldbird served his country for decades. When he wasn't looking Daughter#1, Daughter#2, and #1Son got older, a lot older -- hence the name tufOLDbird.
tufoldbird hasn't always lived in paradise. He was born in black lung country. He's lived where they give away lobsters instead of Green Stamps, and where there's a castle on nearly every corner.
I hope you enjoy the blog and join in the discourse by leaving comments. Welcome!
What a great gift. You are so fortunate to have such talented daughters. This will keep you busy for awhile. Hope you get lots of comments from all of your friends!!!!!!! Happy New Year to all.
Peggy and Joe
Hi Al (ya old bird)
Merry Christmas (2007)and a Happy/Healthy New Year for 2008.
What a wonderful gift your family
presented to you.I bet you were surprised.
I enjoyed "living La Vida Loca"
especially the girls (nice movements)...laughter
You may want to consider incorporating all those oldie songs that you usually send me.
Good luck with the blog,I'll be tuning in every so often.
Your Arizona Friend
Jim Galuardi....12-30-2007
Hey "Tuffy" (ya old bird)
I drop by occasionally to see if anything new has been incorporated.
I'm surprised there is only 3 comments of which 2 are mine.
Actually,what is the purpose of a blog?
Another old geezer
Jim Galuardi...Feb-11-2008
Hi....Daughter #2 here....We need to get this blog some action....word of mouth always works. I'd like my Dad to log on one day and find pages filled with hellos and smiles. How about it friends?? I think it would be great fun. Looking forward to hearing from all the people I hear so much about. Come join the fun!
Hi Peggy! Love your emails Jim G.
OOOOpppps......I'm daughter #1, accidently hit the wrong key on the previous post.......sorry dear sister #2. ha Don't forget to forward the website to friends and family you all! THANK YOU :)
Hello.....Daughter #1 here, I'm checking people...ha ha Oh well, hopefully next time....bye :)
Hey Tuffy
July 18th here and checking in again.Just got back from an Alaska cruise. couldn't get use to the 50/60 temp. based on living in the Arizona heat for 11 years.
Your annual reunion date is not near the Papa Bear picnik this year so I guess your not going.
I'll be there!! leaving for the East coast Aug 8th.
Your Arizona friend
Jim Galuardi July 18th 2008
Aaahhh finally.......thank you Jim G. from Arizona. If I had a prize for being the first to comment, YOU would get it my friend. Thanks for writing...My dad is going to the reunion too.
Thanks again........Daughter #1 :)
TUFOLDBIRD ,,,Just for one day this coming November 27th,2008...I hereby changed your name to TUFOLDTURKEY...You are a turkey once in a while. Don't you think?..lol..lol
Your Arizona turkey friend
Jim Galuardi (Nov.24th,2008)
Jim Galuardi
Hi Al
Checking in again.
Temperture is in the middle 80's
and some days 90's.Summer is on the way.
forgot to mention who sent you the above message
you can probably guess
the only one who leaves messages on your blog
Your Arizona friend
Jimmie Gal
Hey Tuffy
Yesterday was my 72nd birthday.
I didn't get a card from you because I know you didn;t know it is on June 4th.
If your reading this remember that for next year.
Your Arizona friend
Jim Galuardi
I know you graduated from Blakely High School but this is a classic.
On 9-9-09 (maybe it was the date) .
Al sent me an e-mail that said
correcting above spelling "I've GOT 35 out of 30 correct"
P.S. Still laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!1
You Arizona friend
Jim Galuardi (TUFOLDDOG )
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